The 7 Keys to Your Happiness and Success
I’ve often wondered what the distinction between happiness and success really is. I recall a few years back I was interviewed for Cosmo magazine on this very topic. The insight for me, and what I’ve grown to appreciate is that happiness is an INside job – success is what we do in our ‘outer’ world.…
Continue ReadingFree Your Mind With Mindfulness
Are Bad Habits and Unhealthy Thinking Taking Control Of Your Life? Try Mindfulness… Download this article here. Have you ever been on a train that is stationary at the platform and felt as though you were already moving because the train next to you started to pull away? That is how we often experience our thinking.…
Continue ReadingSimple Mindfulness Exercises
Download this article here. Meditation is an exercise in mindfulness. Despite what you may think, it doesn’t need to be hard and won’t require you to fit something else into your already busy schedule. If you can take between 4-16 minutes* each day to sit and meditate or be guided through a relaxing visualisation then I would…
Continue Reading8 Telltale Signs You’re NOT In Control Of Your Brain
Download this article here. Are you living your life on autopilot never pausing to consider who’s in charge of your thoughts? Do you sometimes wonder why you react the way you do to things that happen around or to you? Well the good news is that it’s not you… it’s just your brain! Or more…
Continue ReadingABC Radio: How To Train Your Brain & Change The Way You Think
The way you think, feel and act can be controlled by your brain. So can you change your brain? The actual way your brain works and controls you? According to Josie Thomson and Dr Jeffrey Schwartz, the answer is yes. Dr Jeffrey Schwartz & I were privileged to be interviewed by Steve Austin from ABC…
Continue ReadingWhat Are Your Thoughts Creating For You?
I invite you to take a close look at your thinking – the quality of your thoughts, the content of your thoughts, the impact of your thoughts… on your beliefs, your words, your actions, your health. Through my experiences with cancer, I have become keenly aware of how my thoughts impact my overall mental, emotional…
Continue ReadingDis-Connecting… INto Life!
Download this article here. In this highly interconnected and chaotic world, it can be nice sometimes to just ‘switch off’. And switch off is exactly what I did recently when I decided that I needed a sanity break. I’m an entrepreneur business owner of a successful coaching and professional speaking practice, and a single mum.…
Continue ReadingBack To Work This Week? Don’t let the backlog of work derail your brain!
Download this article here. When life is busy and it feels as though we have a million things to do, it can genuinely feel as though the world is racing and that we have our work cut out just to keep up with it. The truth is that the world is going at exactly the…
Continue Reading3 Tips For Coping With Stress & Overwhelm
I was in complete overwhelm this week! The IN tray over filled, emails unattended to from over a week ago, the list of to-do’s completely out of control… know the feeling? I bet you do. I was beside myself, not knowing where to start and was completely disoriented! If you’re reading this post, then you’ve…
Continue ReadingSail Through Life With Equanimity
No rational person would admit to seeking suffering over happiness yet, this is what each of us does when we consistently let the opinions of others influence our actions and shape our self-image. Those of us who have chosen a life or career in ‘service’ did so, not thinking that this choice would place us…
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