Posts Tagged ‘New Beginnings’
Why life seems harder than it needs to be
Busyness!Busyness is an illness.Think about it: ‘I’m busy.’ How often is that your excuse? It used to be my excuse every single day. My schedule used to leave me zero time for unplanned presence and awareness. And I was proud of my busyness. I wore it like a badge. It gave me an illusion…
Continue ReadingGiving thanks
One of my greatest tips for increasing your ‘happiness quotient’ is to practice mindful gratitude. We must realize that we really don’t need ‘more’. We just need to appreciate what we have. It’s a beautiful and bittersweet way of thinking all at once. We may not have what we want right now, but we still…
Continue ReadingThrive and Shine
If we want to thrive in life, we need to take a good hard look in the mirror and then take small, consistent steps to self-correct if necessary. One trap I often see in my work is believing and insisting that life is simply too hard and too unfair. The truth is, it’s as…
Continue ReadingLearn to love YOURSELF
‘Today I lost the respect of a few people I cared about, and the desire to harm myself when I finally told everyone the truth about who I really am and what I’ve decided to do with my life. In a nutshell, I’ve chosen to love and honour myself, instead of convincing others to do it…
Continue ReadingBe the leader of your own journey
There are far too many capable people who don’t pursue their dreams and goals because they let their fears and others talk them out of it. They give up before they even try, and let life’s tides flow them out to sea. Choose to be stronger than that. Choose to swim against the…
Continue ReadingNo better present than your presence
Here’s a reminder that by just being present, you make each moment and each day more meaningful and special. Regardless of what this time of year means for you spiritually, emotionally or physically, it is a good time to take pause and think about what, and who, matters most to you (including yourself). We all…
Continue ReadingSelf respect starts and ends with YOU!
How does other people’s negativity impact you? We must learn to allow people to enjoy their own projections without taking them on as our own. If we don’t value ourselves, look out for ourselves, and speak up for ourselves, then we’re sabotaging ourselves. We do not have control over what others say and do; but…
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Putting a spotlight on
your negative thinking.
Let’s put a spot light on our own negative thinking. Our mind is our sacred space. We can close the windows and darken our space, or we can open the windows and let light in. Light or dark? Bitter or better? It’s our choice. The sun is always shining on some part of our life…
Continue ReadingResilience: Let go and live life to the full
One of the most rewarding and important moments in life is the moment you finally find the courage to let go of what you can’t change. When we let go of how life ‘should’ be, we ignite the full potential of how life CAN be from this moment forward. Happiness is ultimately about letting go…
Continue ReadingCultivate Appreciation and Purpose
As the year draws closer and closer to conclusion, I’d like to share five powerful questions that yield two wonder-full aspects of life: appreciation and purpose. First though, let’s focus on what they really mean. Appreciation = thankful recognition.It’s seeing the positive in something or someone, and celebrating it. By doing this, we open our…
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