Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

Our Quest For Happiness

In our quest for happiness, we often find ourselves tangled in the materialistic and external aspects of life. We associate joy with possessions, achievements, and milestones. But what if the essence of happiness lies not in the tangible but in something else? The realm of our thoughts and perceptions? The Unexplored Terrain of Happiness: Happiness…

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The GOLD in silence

Many of you will know that I’ve been in and out of hospital over the past several months attempting to get to the bottom of my disturbingly low blood pressure issues. The tests continue… however, there is something absolutely incredible that has awakened and shifted in me that’s just too good to keep to myself.…

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Heart-Centred Leadership and Purpose

Heart-centred leadership is something I’ve worked hard to cultivate, particularly since cranial surgery in 2010. That experience opened my eyes, mind and heart to a whole new and deeper appreciation of life and of being alive! I now view every day, every moment, every breath as a gift. And I give thanks for these gifts…

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How to Revitalise, Restore and Renew Your Energy

Coming back from holidays can sometimes feel, well… exhausting. Sometimes, all the holidays in the world can’t recharge our over-drained batteries (ever feel like you needed a holiday after your holiday?!). So, what do you do to recharge during your daily grind – especially if this state of exhaustion has been plaguing you for a…

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Top Tips for Peace, Joy and Gratitude

The last two years have been a time of unprecedented turmoil, uncertainty, and fear. Never in our lifetimes have we been confronted by so many challenges at work, at home and in our communities. And yet, we are now embarking on the season that is traditionally spoken about as a time to embody peace, joy…

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The Greatest Weapon Against Stress

‘The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.’ William James Having coached thousands of people across the globe over the last two decades, I’ve deduced that the most common form of stress most people experience is the feeling of being overwhelmed with way too much to do and having…

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How To Face A ‘Wake Up’ Call

One afternoon in August, 1991 I found a tumour the size of a walnut in the right lobe of my thyroid gland; was prematurely diagnosed with glandular fever, only to realise after surgery it was in fact a malignant, stage 3 tumour and I was given 6 months to live. At the tender age of…

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How To Swiftly Calm Your Mind And Body

So many of us are plagued by stress and anxiety even during ‘normal’ times (whatever that means) that it would be very useful to know how to swiftly calm your mind and body at will. In my recent stint in hospital last month, I was perfectly calm until I was wheeled into surgery. I was…

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How To Manage Anxiety, Panic and Stress

This month I decided to do something different – to give you a practical, easy and simple resource to show you how to manage anxiety, panic and stress effectively with this short mindfulness meditation practice. As you may be aware, as well as completing masters studies in neuroscience, I’m a certified mindfulness facilitator and I’m also…

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The Secret to Changing Habits

This last year has brought many changes, disruptive changes… and big or constant change can mean stress.  What is the secret to changing habits so to embrace the possibilities that lie within and beyond change? If you’ve had to completely alter your day to accommodate for more online meetings, kids and meals at home, or…

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