Connecting with the Sweetness of Life
Disconnection from the sweetness of life causes more pain (and illness) than we realise.
So many of us walk into soulless buildings each week in the name of survival.
We strive to build the life of our dreams but drive ourselves to exhaustion. I know this firsthand and am suffering the consequences of having driven myself beyond exhaustion for many many years.
So perhaps just like me, it may be time to reconnect with the pleasures of being human, and to taste the fruits you’ve been working so hard to grow. To drink in your life with wonder and awe. To focus on what really matters and to enjoy your incredible, precious life.
Time is our most precious resource, and it’s the greatest healer. How much time are you giving to yourself?
If you’ve been all work and no play, it’s time to take some time out. To reconnect with yourself, your partner, play with your children or fur babies, and give yourself the luxury of time without an agenda.
This is what I’ve been doing since my last ‘incident’ in hospital in July 2023. Life has never nor will ever be the same again for me.
Once our awareness is expanded into new dimensions of reality, we can never return to life as we knew it. It’s exhilarating and a bit nerve racking at the same time. I’m all in and excited to see how life unfurls for me this year. Watch this space…
So my questions to you this month are:
What brings a sense of ‘sweetness’ to your life?
How can you surrender to this sweetness of life?
What’s one way you can enjoy your life a little more today?
Until next month, open your mind and your heart to new possibilities. Realise that the sweetness of life is yours to be savoured when you prioritise yourself.
Enjoy this most recent interview of me titled Neuroscientist Who DIED & Saw The Golden Grid OF Her Body on the Jeff Mara podcast.
May you join me in enjoying the sweetness of life,