TIME… spoken by Sir Lawrence Olivier, is one of the most wonder-full and moving messages I have ever heard in the realms of personal awareness. TIME holds some of the most powerful and truthful words spoken.
‘TIME’ is life changing in so far as the words assist us to get back in alignment with our thoughts, which are the rudder that create the life we are experiencing. It reminds us that we can change the lens through which we perceive what is really happening – if what you are doing is not working, just change the lens. Move your awareness and attitude from your head to your heart. Eventually, you will be able to see again –then you will know your next steps.
I encourage you to read them… take your TIME. Mull them over. Consider them gently and carefully.
I celebrate and thank Sir Lawrence for having left us with this amazing legacy.
I strive to live by this passage, and it gives me great peace and joy. I believe this to be the message of life. Did the writer have any idea what a lasting impact it would have?
In this time of global economical, personal, and professional chaos, it is time again to remember this momentous piece Sir Lawrence delivered. Whether he truly believed it when he delivered it, is not at issue. What is at issue is the importance of a sound mind and spirit in an extremely chaotic time. These words bring comfort in the storm, light in the darkness, and a raison d’etre for the in between.
If you’d like some support in reframing your challenges to reclaim your life, take a look at my RECREATE online session which outlines many practical ways that I’ve used to overcome many of my own adversities.
Take very gentle care of you – you are the only you that exists in this universe.
Thank you for being you and for being born.
~ The Theme from TIME ~
Stand before me on the Sign of Infinity all you of the Earth.
With the granting of the “Law of Probenation”
comes the application of change.
I will give you the key.
And with this knowledge, please realize,
comes the responsibility of sharing it.
I will show you the way (it’s very simple).
Throughout the Universe there is order.
In the movement of the planets…in nature…
and in the functioning of the human mind.
A mind that is in its natural state of order
is in harmony with the Universe,
and such a mind is timeless.
Your life is an expression of your mind.
You are a creator of your own Universe,
for as a human being you are “free to will”
whatever state of being you desire through the use of your thoughts and words.
There is great Power there.
It can be a blessing or a curse.
It’s entirely up to you, for the quality of your life
is brought about by the quality of your thinking.
Think about that.
Thoughts produce actions.
See the pettiness and the envy and the greed and the fear
and all the other attitudes that cause you pain and discomfort.
Realize that the one thing you have absolute control over is your attitude.
See the effect that it has on those around you,
for each life is linked to all Life and your words carry with them chain reactions like a stone that has been thrown into a pond.
If your thinking is in order, your words will flow directly from the heart,
creating ripples of love.
If you truly want to change your world, my friends,
you must change your thinking.
Reason is your greatest tool.
It creates an atmosphere of understanding which leads to caring which is Love. Choose your words with care.
Go forth….with Love.