You Are Not Your Brain
You Are Not Your Brain: Webinar Recording Available
Did you miss the webinar that I ran with Dr Jeffrey M. Schwartz this week? Well, I have great news! We recorded the webinar and it’s available for you to watch right here. If you have any questions, please email us here. Enjoy! Ready to join us for the Masterclass? “I constantly over-think problems or…
Continue ReadingThe Power is in the Focus
Download this article here. Spicing up your life – the importance of knowing what you really REALLY want! How can you possibly achieve what you truly desire if you’re not clear about what it is? Think you know, but when you’re asked it’s just not clear or concise? Is close enough really good enough? Like playing…
Continue ReadingWhat Are Your Thoughts Creating For You?
I invite you to take a close look at your thinking – the quality of your thoughts, the content of your thoughts, the impact of your thoughts… on your beliefs, your words, your actions, your health. Through my experiences with cancer, I have become keenly aware of how my thoughts impact my overall mental, emotional…
Continue ReadingBack To Work This Week? Don’t let the backlog of work derail your brain!
Download this article here. When life is busy and it feels as though we have a million things to do, it can genuinely feel as though the world is racing and that we have our work cut out just to keep up with it. The truth is that the world is going at exactly the…
Continue ReadingAre You the Leader of Your Life?
Do you call the shots in your life? Or are you led by others who lead the way, or by old habits you can’t seem to shake? Do you step up when it counts, or do you shy away – preferring the reassurance and direction from a significant other, or some safety blanket? You may…
Continue ReadingAre Bad Habits & Unhealthy Thinking Taking Control Of Your Life?
For many years I have wanted to show how the use of mindful awareness could be applied easily to day to day living to improve quality of life, experience deeper fulfillment and achieve greater success. It seemed clear to me from my experiences of unnecessary stress and overcoming cancer twice, that breaking bad habits can…
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