Embodying Stillness, Love, and Boundaries

As the years go by, I find myself valuing the need for stillness, silence, and space more than ever. It’s not that I don’t cherish my time with family and friends – quite the opposite. But I’ve been feeling an increasing pull toward a deeper connection with myself, a calling that requires me to explore life in a more profound way.

This kind of exploration isn’t something we can effectively do in fleeting moments or when we’re caught up in the busyness of life. It requires intention and the courage to sit with our thoughts and feelings.

This time of reflection is like a gateway to inner transformation. By allowing myself space to release emotions – sometimes through oceans of tears – I’ve found peace and guidance that helps me navigate the ever-changing world within and around me.

I’ve learned that grief can be a powerful transformer, and experiencing loss and change over the past couple of years has reminded me of the importance of giving myself the time and space to feel, process, and heal.

So, dear friends, do not deny yourself the tenderness your heart deserves. Honour your feelings without overanalyzing them.

Create time to sit in solitude and stillness, to tune in to your inner voice. Your heart desires to connect with you, to release pent-up emotions, and to remind you of the love and grace that you are.

It’s time to embody these qualities within yourself. It starts and ends with you.

Love Over Fear: The Path to Authentic Power

In my study of “A Course in Miracles,” I’ve come to understand that love is to fear what light is to darkness. If we strip life down to its core elements – love and fear – we gain much-needed clarity in moments of confusion, worry, or suffering. Everything that happens in life is either an expression of love or a call for it. This simple yet profound idea has changed the way I approach life.

Living with love means living with an empowered heart. It means choosing love over fear, even in the most challenging moments.

This is not an easy path, but it’s one of self-mastery and authenticity. When we live in love, we learn to be clear, forgiving, humble, and grounded in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

One of my favorite reminders of this journey comes from the words of a Medicine Woman’s Prayer:

“I will not rescue you,
For you are not powerless.
I will not fix you,
For you are not broken.
I will not heal you,
For I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness,
As you remember your light.”

This prayer resonates deeply with me. We are all on a journey to rediscover the light within us, and sometimes we need to walk through the darkness to do so.

Boundaries and Self-Love: Learning to Trust Ourselves

Another essential part of this journey has been learning about healthy boundaries and trusting myself over the need for approval from others.

Life provides us with opportunities to grow and develop wisdom and strength. It’s through our experiences that we learn to appreciate who we are and what we need to thrive.

Recently, I came across a beautiful piece by Kim and Alison McMillen that captures this so perfectly:

“As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth… I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me away from myself.”

These words remind me that self-love is not just a concept; it’s a practice. When we begin to love ourselves, we learn to live authentically, set boundaries, and allow space for joy, growth, and fulfillment. We connect our minds to our hearts, and in that connection, we find the wisdom and courage to live in harmony with ourselves and the world.

An Invitation to the Delphi Cave Experience

If these reflections resonate with you, I invite you to join me on The Delphi Experience, a life-changing journey to Greece in 2025. This trip is designed to deepen your connection with yourself, offering soul-nourishing activities and moments of stillness and reflection to explore your inner world. It’s an opportunity to step into a transformative space, away from the distractions of daily life, and open up to the love, wisdom, and guidance within.

The Delphi Experience is more than just a retreat; it’s a chance to explore your inner landscape and discover the magic that unfolds when you embrace stillness, love, and self-mastery. If you feel called to join, I encourage you to sign up for the waitlist. Let’s embark on this journey together, walking shoulder to shoulder through the darkness as we remember and reconnect with our inner light.

With love, light, and an open heart,







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