Episode 29 – From Pain to Purpose with Noel Lord

This podcast interview is part 2 of an interview that features a larger than life business man and entrepreneur who learned that comparison is the killer of all joy, and that you can get back up after the hard knocks of life.

Whilst Noel Lord stands at 6ft 8” and weighs around 130kgs, he lost everything in 2008 when exposed to market conditions beyond his control, and was then blindsided by a bad business venture.

Things got more challenging for Noel. Six years ago, Noel was diagnosed with cancer – a stage 2, level 4 melanoma. This added more stress and uncertainty to the mix. His wife Jonene stepped up and provided much needed reassurance and support for this big fella. As if that wasn’t enough to deal with, Noel’s father, his ‘rock’ died.  Not only were they incredibly close, they even shared the same birthday. A stoic man, Noel’s father refused any form of care. It was at this time, when Noel was researching potential care options for his father that he identified there was nothing to help Australian families to overcome the emotional hurdles to find the right aged care home for their specific needs. So Noel founded Care360 – a truly independent free service based on individual needs. Care360 was established to find (search), facilitate (help with all the paperwork), fund (help finance solutions/options), and follow (the on going care) suitable aged care facilities, independent from the home.

This episode examines the conversation most people ignore until it’s too late, the important distinction between intent and impact, and what contributes to poor decisions.

We talk about the fear of uncertainty, the disorientation of loss and grief, and how your greatest challenges can become the platform for your greatest contribution and purpose in life.

Tune in, open your mind and heart, and be inspired.


Contact Noel Lord: noel.lord@care360.com.au

Noel’s book (coming soon):

Website: www.care360.com.au

From Breakdowns to Breakthroughs online program https://josiethomson.com/product/recreate-from-breakdowns-to-breakthroughs/

Enliven-U book of inspirations and hope https://josiethomson.com/product/enliven-u-little-book-inspirations/

You Are Not Your Brain online course, for changing bad habits, ending unhealthy thinking and taking control of your life, with Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz & Josie Thomson https://josiethomson.com/you-are-not-your-brain/

The Wise Advocate book – the inner voice of strategic leadership https://josiethomson.com/product/the-wise-advocate-the-inner-voice-of-strategic-leadership/

Wellness & Wisdom for the Workplace for preventative and proactive strategies for positive mental health and growing resilience capability with Josie Thomson

Simple Meditation For Busy People ebook/meditations download https://josiethomson.com/product/simple-meditation-for-busy-people-digital-download/

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  • Take away’s in this pod cast were if you can’t control it, accept the path in front of you, be present and live in the now, and no one is going to help you more than yourself. Once again thanks Lordy.