Posts Tagged ‘Moving Forward’

Matt Hirst’s Mighty Steps to cure Brain Cancer

In our busy daily lives it’s easy to miss the forrest for the trees and completely overlook some of the more obvious activities that can disproportionally affect our happiness levels. Luckily, we can go off more than just our intuition; there are lots of proven strategies that aim to create the right behavior that leads…

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Shiver Me Timbers, Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Avast! Talk Like A Pirate Day 2016 for Childhood Cancer Support was a huge hit. Shiver me timbers! I really enjoyed being Master of Ceremonies. A huge shout out and thanks to Cr Jonathon Sri, Cr Vicki Howard, Minister for Health Cameron Dick, TocH, Bus Queensland, Multispares, Queensland Maritime Museum, Xpresso, Tegan Doyle and Kasey,…

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