Episode 5 – Thriving after a toxic relationship with Liv Marriott

In this episode I speak with a young, fun loving, savvy entrepreneur and wellness advocate who’s passionate about helping vulnerable women and kids through various charities – Liv Marriott.

This episode explores how easily our sense of self can be derailed by controlling, manipulative, toxic relationships, and what it takes to regain strength, inner resolve, courage and resilience to make the tough but right decisions to put yourself first.

We talk about disappointment, sadness, loyalty, grief, expectations and frustration, and coming to terms with life when even supposed ‘friends’ turn their back on you.

Learn from a young woman who has risen from the depths of despair, rebuilt her life – piece by piece – to be in alignment with her truest values, and now encourages and supports others to live strong, independent and healthy lives on their own terms.

Tune in, open your mind and heart, and be inspired.

Keep in touch with Liv
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EOwithLiv/

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  • Ann-Marie Reid says:

    Thank you Liv and Josie. My take away was to recognise your joy / passion, recognise the red flags and listen to things when they are just not right. Its all about taking responsibility and creating a better space.

  • Thanks Josie and Liv, an inspiring journey and story. I also grew up on a farm and found that being grounded, close to the earth and nature, and attached to a church, gave me the chance to develop the resilience that has kept me stable throughout some significant life storms!