Healing Our Shadows
This article appeared in the August 2013 edition of Connexions Magazine: http://issuu.com/jenniegorman9/docs/connexions_aug2013/23
It is with deep respect, gratitude and love that I welcome readers to this article. And a big ‘thank you’ to Jennie Gorman for inviting me to contribute to her fabulous work again this month.
My topic this month is about our ‘shadows’ or as some may refer to them as our ‘ego’ self. Our ego self is simply an unawakened or underdeveloped part of ourselves that seeks balance and understanding. The more we strenuously and righteously strive to avoid this seemingly ‘dark’ side of our personality, the more destructive our shadow self may become.
As we accept the presence of the shadows of our mind, the light within us begins to grow. In the dark or ugly side of human nature lies the seed of true spiritual integration.
Healing comes when we can accept and merge darkness with light. When we honour our wholeness – including the haunting thoughts, imagined shame and seemingly unpardonable sins of our past – then we are no longer victims of our fears.
We must embrace the fears, doubts and unintegrated aspects of ourselves with open arms, open minds and open hearts. How else can we grow? How else do we get to learn about ourselves and about life?
Let the light shine into the darker regions of your mind. Accept yourself as a blending of higher and lower consciousness – a union of spiritual and material bodies.
Call up your anger, jealousies and antipathies and transform them into joy, compassion and understanding. Where there is separation, sow harmony and togetherness. Where there is pain from mental anguish, offer heartfelt sensitivity and simple acts of kindness to friends and loved ones (including the not-so-loved ones 😉 ).
Reverse the pattern of lying to yourself and others. Learn to speak and live out the truth of your life to the best of your ability.
I too am awakening to this truth and need for integration of my ‘whole’ self – the unconscious and awakened self. I know at my core I am a ‘good’ person who is learning about love, life and self and I have honourable intention to do good and positive work in the world for the highest good of all.
The words compassion, joy and understanding are certainly key drivers in my life today and I seek to heal the ‘darkness’ within myself and of the world around me by shining my light and love as brightly and vibrantly as I can through all I think, say and do. Will you join me in lighting up your world, and as a result the world around us? Claim the life you desire.
Claim the life you deserve. Know you are worthy. Decide today that your life is your own. Anything is possible, if only you believe.