Fresh Starts… A Blank Canvas

As many of you know, I’m changing my brand. 

That means an exciting (and scary!) blank canvas to move forward with…
A time to create space for new things and leave behind confusion and doubt…

The last 12 months has been a period of significant change for me. Last year I began to question some of the things I was doing, I wanted to do things more effectively with more balance, focus and joy – and less chaos, confusion and doubt.

It’s been quite a journey of growth, exploration and discovery – and I’m still in it!. I’m working with my brand consultant to really dig deep and clearly define what I do, how I work, what I love, what I’m good at and what I can do for people. As a result, I’m developing a clearer brand that really reflects who I am and what I do. I’m learning to be brave (yes, even more than I’ve been) in accepting that I need to do some things differently, and that means change.

My two biggest lessons so far (which funnily are what I deliver for my coaching clients every day) are that: Clarity delivers focus and direction – without it we just keep ‘doing the do’ without a deep sense of purpose and fulfilment.  Order and organisation, and dare I say the word ‘discipline’ are important allies in delivering balance, joy and wholeness for maximised results.

Change brings opportunities to realign with who we really are… with our deepest truth. When there is discontent, there is a misalignment with your values. This is why getting clear on your core guiding principles is so important. Without that clarity, you may find yourself running from change in an attempt to avoid or ignore it, or feeling that something’s not quite right. The courage to take a stand and face it seems ‘hard’.

My blank canvas is where I’m at and it feels optimistically and refreshingly good. I know that moving forward I will be focussing on exactly what I know is right and true for me and for my clients. So even though I’m still in a space of change, I’m feeling OK with it. In fact, I say: bring it on!

3 ways to recognise the need for change…

How do you recognise the need for change?

  1. You feel disoriented and confused and nothing seems to be flowing straight, and it’s hard to make clear decisions
  2. You keep coming up against the same ‘struggles’ i.e. no time, overwhelm, disorganisation, arguments
  3. You feel like a ‘grumble bum’ – unusually negative, pessimistic and ‘low’ in energy and outlook on life

What to do? Stop. Be still. Create some time to ‘hear’ the deeper calling within you that knows exactly what you need right now. That soft small voice inside that knows you need to take some time out – to think, to walk, to connect, to laugh, to enJOY life a little more, to chill, to be still. Of course this will feel like the complete opposite of what you need – but it’s exactly what you need in order to advance.  Just as the front line military do, we regularly need to ‘retreat’ in order to ‘advance’. Don’t panic! This doesn’t mean for days on end. Just a few simple minutes will do…regularly. That’s why I have a daily routine of getting up and honouring the need to be still and silence (for only 15 minutes – doesn’t sound like a lot, but makes a huge difference) to allow clarity and focus to emerge without the busyness of life going on around me.

Now it’s your turn.
Take a moment now to write down your answer to this question:

What do you know, deep down, needs to change in your life – to bring you back to being more authentic, more in alignment with who you are and what really matters to you? Quick tip: forget the ‘how to’ – that will come (and I can assist you with this very easily). Just give yourself permission to answer the ‘what’ component of this question.

I would love to hear from you. What came up for you when you addressed this question? What thoughts, beliefs and desires are you operating with that are creating your current circumstances? This is where I can help you into brave new and refreshing spaces of change that will enrich the quality of your life experience. I invite you to share your comments below. You can also arrange a personal coaching session with me to get you well on your way to your own blank canvas and fresh start.

For me right now, I’m actively doing what I love and what I know I’m really good at, which is coaching, speaking and inspiring others to live and be their authentic true self. While I’m not changing who I am or what I do, I am changing how I deliver it and what I focus on. I’m really excited about what I’m making space for as well as building on my core coaching offerings for executives, self mastery and empowerment. Drawing from my vast experiences and neuroscience of leadership expertise, I have a series of new offerings that will really help people in facing their fears around change, developing new levels of leadership, and building resilience in their lives.

It is a changing world and I am here to support those people who are ready and willing to take action to make change work for them. Enjoy taking the challenge. Until next time, I wish you a clear path forward to living a more authentic, balanced, fulfilling and inspired life! And of course, watch this space as my new brand unfolds…

With love
Josie ThomsonMCC


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