FREE Live & Online Mindfulness Meditation Month

A Josie Thomson COVID-19 Support Initiative -
Starting Wednesday, 1st April 2020
Shared meditation, reflection, and connection

Amidst the current times we are all facing, I'm conducting free mindfulness meditation sessions online to offer practice to everyone, anywhere in the world.

To help keep us connected while we are isolated, help us stay calm during a time of great anxiety, to give us an opportunity to care for one another, and to be together, I am providing two free live and online daily meditation groups.

Every day, for the entire month of April  (including weekends) at 8pm Brisbane time, I offer a 30 minute live and online, daily mindfulness meditation practice and support on Zoom.

I will also be offering Every week day, a 15 minute live and online, daily 'reset' mindfulness meditation practice on Zoom,  until the end of April at 12 midday AEST. Find out more here.


Program Participation is Free.

I am creating a virtual space for people to come together to meditate, reflect, connect, and simply be with one another.

Join me, Josie Thomson, neuroscience of resilience expert, two time cancer survivor, and author of Enliven-U and The Wise Advocate as I share methods for living more calmly, peace-fully, fearlessly and resiliently - based upon direct life experience, research and practices I have developed over three decades of my own personal mindfulness meditation practice and coaching experience.



Join with others around our world with Josie Thomson



Self-care is the new healthcare. Mindfulness is the prescription



Come together and transform anxiety into calm

What does a group session look like?

I will follow a standard format: 5-10 minutes of talking, 10-15 minutes of guided/silent meditation, followed by an optional brief reflection and share prompted by a check-in question.

The following check in questions will prompt the daily reflections:

  • Monday: Reflect on a recent challenge that your practice helped you with.
  • Tuesday: What has recently inspired you?
  • Wednesday: What is the intention of your practice?
  • Thursday: What are you grateful for?
  • Friday: Reflect on a recent insight or shift you are noticing.
  • Saturday: What are you being invited to learn?
  • Sunday: What can you appreciate/acknowledge yourself for?

It is possible to improve your health and well-being, and ease stress, panic, anxiety and fear. Let me show you how.


Sign Up Now

Where: Online on Zoom – link will be sent to you when you register,
When: Every evening from 1-30 April, 2020,
AEST 8-8.30pm (Brisbane, Australia time),
Investment: It’s my birthday this month, so this series is my gift to YOU for FREE.

Replays will be available to review any time for those registered.

These sessions are stress-free on your wallet. Sessions are aimed at improving your life and offered on a complimentary basis. So save your seat now. We begin on Wednesday, 1st April, 2020 at 8pm. Let’s create less stress, and much more peace and calm in the world together… from the inside out.

I hope you’ll join me,


Sign Up*

*By signing up you Agree to the Participant Code of Conduct: I commit to joining a minimum of 2 sessions a week, and to treat myself, my facilitator, and my group with kindness. We will not track participation, the commitment is to yourself; to show up, to practice, to reflect, to care for one another, and to simply hold space together in community.