Almost There!!
I need to confirm your email address to ensure it’s really you that’s signed up.
Please click the link in the email just sent to you so that you can gain instant access to my ‘Freedom Technique’.
Why do we need to do this?
I thought it might be useful to share why this is so important, because no one values and respects other people’s time more than me. In today’s world of spam, strict privacy laws and hacking, ‘double opt-in’ (as it’s known) is a necessity.
It ensures that:
- It was you and not a robot that completed the sign up form
- You are happy to receive the occasional email and monthly newsletter from me
- My list remains clean and meets industry standards and government regulations
- My web/email host doesn’t shut down my website and email for violating anti-spam laws!
I hope this helps reduce any frustration you may be experiencing with this process. Thanks for your patience.
With love,
If you have any questions about this mailing list, please email us