Find out what might be holding you back from having the life you really want.

How Resilient Are You?


Discover why you might be struggling to find the happiness you want in your life...

  • A series of questions designed to help you find out how you feel about change, opportunity and challenges.
  • Plus the practical next steps you can take if you are not happy with your results!

The Senior Management Team at RSL Queensland were lucky enough to have Josie Thomson present an insightful leadership resilience workshop yesterday. Everyone learned a range of great neuroleadership techniques that we can’t wait to put into practice. A big thanks to Josie for inspiring our team!


In June 2017 I had the pleasure of meeting Josie at a work seminar in Cairns and I purchased some of her books including a set of 4 fridge magnets with inspirational messages on them.

These magnets are proudly displayed on my fridge and along with her books have helped me to achieve my goals over the last 18 months.

I am now in my own home, living my own independent happy life and I still draw on the wisdom of your words.

Clare Maher

They say that ‘happiness is a state of mind’ and it is something that always resonated with me intuitively, but how to enter it - I had no idea.

Through the introduction of a number of tools and techniques, some a bit uncomfortable to use and some a little strange, Josie set me on the path to find and occupy a new state of mind.

It was not an easy journey to commence, and of course it will continue for a lifetime, but Josie has been the most inspirational, informative and supportive guide. She has motivated me to want to be better and has shown me how to be. I am now more forgiving, more compassionate and less judging of myself which allows me to be all of those things towards my children, my partner, my friends and even complete strangers.

The shift has been quite subtle but the results powerful and profound as my life is somehow simpler, richer and happier too. Thank you Josie, you truly are amazing!!

Sam Barrett

About Josie

Josie is one of the most experienced and multi-award winning neuroscience and mindfulness coaches in Australia. She is an international speaker, business owner, author and two time cancer survivor. Josie is living proof that winning and succeeding in life is a mindset. Having completed masters studies in neuroscience, she has trained and studied with some of the best in the world both in terms of the neuroscience behind mindfulness and also traditional Buddhist and Hindu teachers. Josie commits herself to transforming and improving the lives of others. Her trainings are empirically researched and proven to achieve clear, strong, positive and sustainable results.
