Stop Stressing and Calm Your Mind

Happy New Year to you! Can I say that as we enter the second month of this New Year and new decade? Well… I will!  You see, I’ve just got back from a whole month away visiting my parents and family interstate.

As a single mum and entrepreneur, it can be challenging to manage and appropriately nurture the many relationships I hold dear to my heart… including YOU!

During this time away, I did some soul searching to seek clarity and my ONE WORD for this year. Choosing one word creates a focused context for everything that I choose to create, engage with and commit to.

For 2020 my word is FLOW. To me ‘flow’ means ease and grace, which is only made possible with clarity of focus of what’s most important to me.

What is most important to me is:

  • being of service for the greater good in alignment with my values,
  • my good health and wellbeing,
  • my family and friends, and
  • in-JOY-ing life!

Nature plays a huge role in my life. I most connect with the essence of life and living, and unshakeable calmness and grace when I am surrounded by nature. That’s why my early morning nature walks and meditation are essential for me in creating an optimum start to my day.

How we start our day will usually set undertones for how the rest of our day will unfold, and more importantly, how you attend to and respond or react to what’s going on around you.

By creating a reservoir of quiet, calm and stillness within yourself you are better able to maintain clarity of focus as you set about your day.

This sounds very simple and easy, right? But guess what… it is simple, but it’s not easy.

You see, our brain needs taming. Left ‘unattended’ just like little kids, it will run a muck! If you don’t direct it’s focus, your brain will be driving you around based on automated programs/habits of thought and behaviour, instead of you being in the driver’s seat of your life.

So get a grip of the ‘wheel’ in your head with both hands. Get clear about what you want (not what you don’t want)! And focus forward in the direction of what you want.

Remember: where focus goes, energy flows!

So make sure you’re directing energy and focus toward what you want instead of attracting the very thing you don’t want by giving it focus and attention.

Your success starts and ends with YOU ie. how you think and direct your focus of attention.

Also, tune IN and create the desired emotional state you want to experience as you attend to your priorities.

Be it happy, or calm, or confident, or kind… whatever feeling you choose grows from a state of MIND.

Consciously choose your focus, and think and act from that state of Being.

If you’d like some support in creating the discipline of mind to experience more sustainable peace, calm, clarity and less anxiety, stress and overwhelm, I’ll be starting a mindfulness and meditation group very soon. Click here to register your interest

In the meantime, you can also check out my online learning course facilitated by moi and Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz, leading neuroscientist in OCD and neuroplasticty and mindfulness: You Are Not Your Brain – the 4 step solution to ending bad habits, change unhealthy thinking and take charge of your life.

Until next month remember: it’s not what happens to you that defines you, it’s how you respond that counts!

Shine on,





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